
On Jun 21, 2013, at 6:07 PM, Siddhi Mehta <> wrote:

> That solved the problem. Thanks Sandy!!
> What is the optimal setting for 
> yarn.scheduler.capacity.maximum-am-resource-percent in terms of node manager. 
> What are the consequences of setting to a higher value?

This means that more AMs will be active concurrently.

One thing to remember: in terms of getting *real* work done an AM is, kinda, 
pure overhead (currently) in the sense that it does not do actual 
data-processing - this is true of the MR AM; but really depends on how the AM 
is implemented. An AM *may* choose to do some actual work of course - depends 
on the implementation.

With that context, If you have a very small cluster, then too many containers 
might be used for running AMs with higher values for 
yarn.scheduler.capacity.maximum-am-resource-percent and overall utilization 
might go low. As a result, you want to be aware of this.

> Also, I noticed that by default application master needs 1.5GB. Are there any 
> side effects we will face if I lower that to 1GB
I have tried AMs with as low as 200M for small jobs. It really depends on how 
many tasks you want your job to manage.


> Siddhi
> On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 4:28 PM, Sandy Ryza <> wrote:
> Hi Siddhi,
> Moving this question to the CDH list.
> Does setting yarn.scheduler.capacity.maximum-am-resource-percent to .5 help?
> Have you tried using the Fair Scheduler?
> -Sandy
> On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 4:21 PM, Siddhi Mehta <> wrote:
> Hey All,
> I am running a Hadoop 2.0(cdh4.2.1) cluster on a single node with 1 
> NodeManager.
> We have an Map only job that launches a pig job on the cluster(similar to 
> what oozie does)
> We are seeing that the map only job launches the pig script but the pig job 
> is stuck in ACCEPTED state with no trackingUI assigned.
> I dont see any error in the nodemanager logs or the resource manager logs as 
> such.
> On the nodemanager i see this logs 
> 2013-06-21 15:05:13,084 INFO  capacity.ParentQueue - assignedContainer 
> queue=root usedCapacity=0.4 absoluteUsedCapacity=0.4 used=memory: 2048 
> cluster=memory: 5120
> 2013-06-21 15:05:38,898 INFO  capacity.CapacityScheduler - Application 
> Submission: appattempt_1371850881510_0003_000001, user: smehta queue: 
> default: capacity=1.0, absoluteCapacity=1.0, usedResources=2048MB, 
> usedCapacity=0.4, absoluteUsedCapacity=0.4, numApps=2, numContainers=2, 
> currently active: 2
> Which suggests that the cluster has capacity but still no application master 
> is assigned to it.
> What am I missing?Any help is appreciated.
> I keep seeing this logs on the node manager 
> 2013-06-21 16:19:37,675 INFO  monitor.ContainersMonitorImpl - Memory usage of 
> ProcessTree 12484 for container-id container_1371850881510_0002_01_000002: 
> 157.1mb of 1.0gb physical memory used; 590.1mb of 2.1gb virtual memory used
> 2013-06-21 16:19:37,696 INFO  monitor.ContainersMonitorImpl - Memory usage of 
> ProcessTree 12009 for container-id container_1371850881510_0002_01_000001: 
> 181.0mb of 1.0gb physical memory used; 1.4gb of 2.1gb virtual memory used
> 2013-06-21 16:19:37,946 INFO  nodemanager.NodeStatusUpdaterImpl - Sending out 
> status for container: container_id {, app_attempt_id {, application_id {, id: 
> 2, cluster_timestamp: 1371850881510, }, attemptId: 1, }, id: 1, }, state: 
> C_RUNNING, diagnostics: "", exit_status: -1000, 
> 2013-06-21 16:19:37,946 INFO  nodemanager.NodeStatusUpdaterImpl - Sending out 
> status for container: container_id {, app_attempt_id {, application_id {, id: 
> 2, cluster_timestamp: 1371850881510, }, attemptId: 1, }, id: 2, }, state: 
> C_RUNNING, diagnostics: "", exit_status: -1000, 
> 2013-06-21 16:19:38,948 INFO  nodemanager.NodeStatusUpdaterImpl - Sending out 
> status for container: container_id {, app_attempt_id {, application_id {, id: 
> 2, cluster_timestamp: 1371850881510, }, attemptId: 1, }, id: 1, }, state: 
> C_RUNNING, diagnostics: "", exit_status: -1000, 
> 2013-06-21 16:19:38,948 INFO  nodemanager.NodeStatusUpdaterImpl - Sending out 
> status for container: container_id {, app_attempt_id {, application_id {, id: 
> 2, cluster_timestamp: 1371850881510, }, attemptId: 1, }, id: 2, }, state: 
> C_RUNNING, diagnostics: "", exit_status: -1000, 
> 2013-06-21 16:19:39,950 INFO  nodemanager.NodeStatusUpdaterImpl - Sending out 
> status for container: container_id {, app_attempt_id {, application_id {, id: 
> 2, cluster_timestamp: 1371850881510, }, attemptId: 1, }, id: 1, }, state: 
> C_RUNNING, diagnostics: "", exit_status: -1000, 
> 2013-06-21 16:19:39,950 INFO  nodemanager.NodeStatusUpdaterImpl - Sending out 
> status for container: container_id {, app_attempt_id {, application_id {, id: 
> 2, cluster_timestamp: 1371850881510, }, attemptId: 1, }, id: 2, }, state: 
> C_RUNNING, diagnostics: "", exit_status: -1000, 
> Here are my memory configurations
> <property>
> <name>yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb</name>
> <value>5120</value>
> <source>yarn-site.xml</source>
> </property>
> property>
> <name></name>
> <value>512</value>
> <source>mapred-site.xml</source>
> </property>
> <property>
> <name>mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb</name>
> <value>512</value>
> <source>mapred-site.xml</source>
> </property>
> <property>
> <name></name>
> <value>
> -Xmx512m -XX:+UseCompressedOops 
> -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError 
> -XX:HeapDumpPath=/home/sfdc/logs/hadoop/userlogs/@taskid@/
> </value>
> <source>mapred-site.xml</source>
> </property>
> <property>
> <name></name>
> <value>1024</value>
> <source>mapred-site.xml</source>
> </property>
> Regards,
> Siddhi

Arun C. Murthy
Hortonworks Inc.

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