Yes , it returns 2 correctly after "hdfs getconf -confkey dfs.replication"



but in web page ,it is 3 as below:


发件人: yypvsxf19870706 [] 
发送时间: Monday, July 01, 2013 23:24
主题: Re: 答复: a question about dfs.replication




    Could you please get the property value by using : hdfs getconf -confkey 

鍙戣嚜鎴戠殑 iPhone

鍦?2013-7-1锛?5:51锛孎rancis.Hu <> 鍐欓亾锛?br>


Actually, My java client is running with the same configuration as the hadoop's 
. The dfs.replication is already set as 2 in my hadoop's configuration.

So i think the dfs.replication is already overrided by my configuration in 
hdfs-site.xml. but seems it doesn't work even i overrided the parameter 



鍙戜欢浜?span lang="EN-US">: 袝屑械谢褜褟薪芯胁 袘芯褉懈褋 [] 
鍙戦€佹椂闂?span lang="EN-US">: Monday, July 01, 2013 15:18
鏀朵欢浜?span lang="EN-US">:
涓婚: Re: a question about dfs.replication


On 01.07.2013 10:19, Francis.Hu wrote:

Hi, All


I am installing a cluster with Hadoop 2.0.5-alpha. I have one namenode and two 
datanodes. The dfs.replication is set as 2 in hdfs-site.xml. After all 
configuration work is done, I started all nodes. Then I saved a file into HDFS 
through java client. nOW I can access hdfs web page: x.x.x.x:50070,and also see 
the file is already listed in the hdfs list.

My question is:  The replication column in HDFS web page is showing as 3, not 
2.  Does anyone know What the problem is?


---Actual setting of hdfs-site.xml






After that, I typed dfsamdin command to check the file:

hdfs fsck /test3/

The result of above command:

/test3/hello005.txt:  Under replicated 
Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s).


 Total size:    35 B

 Total dirs:    1

 Total files:   1

 Total blocks (validated):      1 (avg. block size 35 B)

 Minimally replicated blocks:   1 (100.0 %)

 Over-replicated blocks:        0 (0.0 %)

 Under-replicated blocks:       1 (100.0 %)

 Mis-replicated blocks:         0 (0.0 %)

 Default replication factor:    2

 Average block replication:     2.0

 Corrupt blocks:                0

 Missing replicas:              1 (33.333332 %)

 Number of data-nodes:          3

 Number of racks:               1

FSCK ended at Sat Jun 29 16:51:37 CST 2013 in 6 milliseconds




Francis Hu


If I'm not mistaking "dfs.replication" parameter in config sets only default 
replication factor, which can be overrided when putting file to hdfs.



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