I'm don't know how to interpret the release schedule from the JIRA.  It says 
that the patch targets 2.1.0 and it is checked into the trunk, does that mean 
it is likely to be rolled into the first Hadoop 2 GA or will it have to wait 
for another cycle?

From: Arun C Murthy []
Sent: Thursday, July 04, 2013 6:28 AM
Subject: Re: Requesting containers on a specific host

To guarantee nodes on a specific container you need to use the whitelist 
feature we added recently:

On Jul 4, 2013, at 3:14 AM, Krishna Kishore Bonagiri 
<<>> wrote:

I could get containers on specific nodes using addContainerRequest() on 
AMRMClient. But there are issues with it. I have two nodes, node1 and node2 in 
my cluster. And, my Application Master is trying to get 3 containers on node1, 
and 3 containers on node2 in that order.

While trying to request on node1, it sometimes gives me those on node2, and 
vice verse. When I get a container on a different node than the one I need, I 
release it and make a fresh request. I am having to do like that forever to get 
a container on the node I need.

 Though the node I am requesting has enough resources, why does it keep giving 
me containers on the other node? How can I make sure I get a container on the 
node I want?

Note: I am using the default scheduler, i.e. Capacity Scheduler.


On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 7:25 PM, Arun C Murthy 
<<>> wrote:
Check if the hostname you are setting is the same in the RM logs...

On Jun 21, 2013, at 2:15 AM, Krishna Kishore Bonagiri 
<<>> wrote:

  I am trying to get container on a specific host, using setHostName(0 call on 
ResourceRequest, but could not get allocated anything forever, which just works 
fine when I change the node name to "*". I am working on a single node cluster, 
and I am giving the name of the single node I have in my cluster.

  Is there any specific format that I need to give for setHostName(), why is it 
not working...


Arun C. Murthy
Hortonworks Inc.

Arun C. Murthy
Hortonworks Inc.

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