Thanks Harsh for your reply.

What are difference MutableCounterLong and  MutableGaugeLong  class ?

I find the MutableCounterLong is used to calculate throughput, the value be
reset per ten seconds, and MutableGaugeLong is up-count and no reset.

I am newer for hadoop-2.0.5,  please tell me if there is an error.



2013/8/9 Harsh J <>

> The counter, being num-ops, should up-count and not reset. Note that
> your test may be at fault though - calling hsync may not always call
> NN#fsync(…) unless you are passing the proper flags to make it always
> do so.
> On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 4:27 PM, lei liu <> wrote:
> > I use hadoop-2.0.5 and config file with below
> > content.
> > *.sink.ganglia.class=org.
> > apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.ganglia.GangliaSink31
> > *.sink.ganglia.period=10
> > *.sink.ganglia.supportsparse=true
> > namenode.sink.ganglia.servers=
> > datanode.sink.ganglia.servers=
> >
> > I write one programme that call FSDataOutputStream.hsync() method once
> per
> > second.
> >
> > There is "@Metric MutableCounterLong fsyncCount" metrics in
> DataNodeMetrics,
> > when FSDataOutputStream.hsync() method is called, the value of
>  fsyncCount
> > is increased, dataNode send the value of  fsyncCount to ganglia every ten
> > seconds, so I think the value  of  fsyncCount in ganglia should be 10, 20
> > ,30, 40 and so on .  but the ganglia display 1,1,1,1,1 ...... , so the
> value
> > is
> > the value of fsyncCount is set to zero every ten seconds and
> > ”fsyncCount.value/10“ .
> >
> >
> > Is  the the value of MutableCounterLong class  set to zero every ten
> seconds
> > and   MutableCounterLong .value/10?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > LiuLei
> >
> >
> --
> Harsh J

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