it seems that you are running hadoop locally on windows using cygwin and
having a problem of permission.

Raj K Singh
Mobile  Tel: +91 (0)9899821370

On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 7:10 PM, Pradeep Singh <>wrote:

> Hi all ,
> I am new to Hadoop .I am not sure if my question is stupid or not . But
> still .
> I am running wordcount example and getting below error :
> Command to run :
> bin/hadoop jar hadoop-examples-1.2.1.jar WordCount /user/root/input/*
> /user/root/output
> MapAttempt TASK_TYPE="SETUP" TASKID="task_201308151750_0011_m_000003"
> TASK_ATTEMPT_ID="attempt_201308151750_0011_m_000003_1" TASK_STATUS="FAILED"
> FINISH_TIME="1376572981053" HOSTNAME="pradeep-pc"
> ERROR="java\.lang\.Throwable: Child Error
>     at org\.apache\.hadoop\.mapred\.TaskRunner\.run(TaskRunner\.java:271)
> Also i have attachmet my log file from dfs
> Regards
> Pradeep

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