That's right that the other 2 apps will end up getting 10 resources each,
but as more resources become released, eventually the cluster will converge
to a fair state.  I.e. if the first app requested additional resources
after releasing resources, it would not receive any more until either
another app either grew to more resources than it, or no other app needed

Does that make sense?


On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 6:36 PM, ch huang <> wrote:

> hi,i have a question about fair scheduler
> doc says "When there is a single app running, that app uses the entire
> cluster. When other apps are submitted, resources that free up are assigned
> to the new apps, so that each app gets roughly the same amount of
> resources",
> suppose i have only a big app running ,so it get 100 resource ,as it
> running ,it release 20 resource ,that time 2 short app come to run,so each
> get
> 10 resource ,what i think is  "fair is for current available
> resources ,not the whole resources" ,is it right?

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