I reported this issue in MAPREDUCE-5376 (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MAPREDUCE-5376) and attached a patch.
But it is not fixed by the current release.


(2013/09/03 11:20), Robert Dyer wrote:
I just noticed the job status for MR jobs tends to show 0's in the Map
and Reduce columns but actually shows the totals correctly.

I am not sure exactly when this started happening, but this cluster was
upgraded from Hadoop 1.0.4 to 1.1.2 and now to 1.2.1.  It definitely
worked fine on 1.0.4, but I don't recall testing on 1.1.2.

Anyone else running into this issue?

Map-Reduce Framework    Reduce input groups     0       0       0
Map output materialized bytes   0       0       5,910
Combine output records  0       0       250
Map input records       0       0       48,556
Reduce shuffle bytes    0       0       4,960
Physical memory (bytes) snapshot        0       0       56,364,822,528

Note that not *all* counters are doing this!  Some still show properly:

FileSystemCounters      HDFS_BYTES_READ         844,499,067,747         0       
FILE_BYTES_WRITTEN      4,879,509       60,403  4,939,912

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