
I'm trying to configure HDFS federation with 2.1.0 beta version. I am having 3 
machines in that i want to have two name nodes and one data node. 

I have done the other thing like password less ssh and host entries properly. 
when i start the cluster i'm getting the below error. 

In node one i'm getting this error. Port in use:

In another node i'm getting this error. 
org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.InconsistentFSStateException: Directory 
/home/lab/hadoop-2.1.0-beta/tmp/dfs/name is in an inconsistent state: storage 
directory does not exist or is not accessible.

My core-site xml has the below. 

My hdfs-site xml has the below.

Please help me to fix this error. 

Manickam P

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