You might try creating a "stub" MR job in which the mappers produce no output; 
that would isolate the time spent reading from HBase without the trouble of 
instrumenting your code.

From: Pavan Sudheendra []
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2013 3:31 AM
Subject: Re: How to best decide mapper output/reducer input for a huge string?

@John, to be really frank i don't know what the limiting factor is.. It might 
be all of them or a subset of them.. Cannot tell..

On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 2:58 PM, Pavan Sudheendra 
<<>> wrote:
@Rahul, Yes you are right. 21 mappers are spawned where all the 21 mappers are 
functional at the same time.. Although, @Pradeep, i should do the compression 
like you say.. I'll give it a shot.. As far as i can see, i think i'll need to 
implement Writable and write out the key of the mapper using the specific data 
types instead of writing it out as a string which might slow the operation 

On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 9:29 AM, Pradeep Gollakota 
<<>> wrote:

It's hard to tell whether there's anything wrong with your design or not since 
you haven't given us specific enough details. The best thing you can do is 
instrument your code and see what is taking a long time. Rahul mentioned a 
problem that I myself have seen before, with only one region (or a couple) 
having any data. So even if you have 21 regions, only mapper might be doing the 
heavy lifting.

A combiner is hugely helpful in terms of reducing the data output of mappers. 
Writing a combiner is a best practice and you should almost always have one. 
Compression can be turned on by setting the following properties in your job 
    <name> </name>
    <value> true</value>
You can also try other compression codes such as Lzo, Snappy, Bzip2, etc. 
depending on your use cases. Gzip is really slow but gets the best compression 
ratios. Snappy/Lzo are a lot faster but don't have as good of a compression 
ratio. If your computations are CPU bound, then you'd probably want to use 
Snappy/Lzo. If your computations are I/O bound, and your CPUs are idle, you can 
use Gzip. You'll have to experiment and find the best settings for you. There 
are a lot of other tweaks that you can try to get the best performance out of 
your cluster.

One of the best things you can do is to install Ganglia (or some other similar 
tool) on your cluster and monitor usage of resources while your job is running. 
This will tell you if your job is I/O bound or CPU bound.

Take a look at this paper by Intel about optimizing your Hadoop cluster and see 
if that fits your deployment.

If your cluster is already optimized and your job is not I/O bound, then there 
might be a problem with your algorithm and might warrant a redesign.

Hope this helps!
- Pradeep

On Sun, Sep 22, 2013 at 8:14 PM, Rahul Bhattacharjee 
<<>> wrote:
One mapper is spawned per hbase table region. You can use the admin ui of hbase 
to find the number of regions per table. It might happen that all the data is 
sitting in a single region , so a single mapper is spawned and you are not 
getting enough parallel work getting done.
If that is the case then you can recreate the tables with predefined splits to 
create more regions.

On Sun, Sep 22, 2013 at 4:38 AM, John Lilley 
<<>> wrote:
How large are the rows in HBase?  22 million rows is not very much but you 
mentioned "huge strings".  Can you tell which part of the processing is the 
limiting factor (read from HBase, mapper output, reducers)?

From: Pavan Sudheendra [<>]
Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2013 2:17 AM
Subject: Re: How to best decide mapper output/reducer input for a huge string?

No, I don't have a combiner in place. Is it necessary? How do I make my map 
output compressed? Yes, the Tables in HBase are compressed.
Although, there's no real bottleneck, the time it takes to process the entire 
table is huge. I have to constantly check if i can optimize it somehow..
Oh okay.. I'll implement a Custom Writable.. Apart from that, do you see any 
thing wrong with my design? Does it require any kind of re-work? Thank you so 
much for helping..

On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 1:06 PM, Pradeep Gollakota 
<<>> wrote:
One thing that comes to mind is that your keys are Strings which are highly 
inefficient. You might get a lot better performance if you write a custom 
writable for your Key object using the appropriate data types. For example, use 
a long (LongWritable) for timestamps. This should make (de)serialization a lot 
faster. If HouseHoldId is an integer, your speed of comparisons for sorting 
will also go up.

Ensure that your map output's are being compressed. Are your tables in HBase 
compressed? Do you have a combiner?

Have you been able to profile your code to see where the bottlenecks are?

On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 12:04 AM, Pavan Sudheendra 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Pradeep,
Yes.. Basically i'm only writing the key part as the map output.. The V of 
<K,V> is not of much use to me.. But i'm hoping to change that if it leads to 
faster execution.. I'm kind of a newbie so looking to make the map/reduce job 
run a lot faster..
Also, yes. It gets sorted by the HouseHoldID which is what i needed.. But seems 
if i write a map output for each and every row of a 19 m row HBase table, its 
taking nearly a day to complete.. (21 mappers and 21 reducers)

I have looked at both Pig/Hive to do the job but i'm supposed to do this via a 
MR job.. So, cannot use either of that.. Do you recommend me to try something 
if i have the data in that format?

On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 12:26 PM, Pradeep Gollakota 
<<>> wrote:
I'm sorry but I don't understand your question. Is the output of the mapper 
you're describing the key portion? If it is the key, then your data should 
already be sorted by HouseHoldId since it occurs first in your key.

The SortComparator will tell Hadoop how to sort your data. So you use this if 
you have a need for a non lexical sort order. The GroupingComparator will tell 
Hadoop how to group your data for the reducer. All KV-pairs from the same group 
will be given to the same Reducer.

If your reduce computation needs all the KV-pairs for the same HouseHoldId, 
then you will need to write a GroupingComparator.

Also, have you considered using a higher level abstraction on Hadoop such as 
Pig, Hive, Cascading, etc.? The sorting/grouping type of tasks are a LOT easier 
to write in these languages.

Hope this helps!
- Pradeep

On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 11:32 PM, Pavan Sudheendra 
<<>> wrote:

I need to improve my MR jobs which uses HBase as source as well as sink..

Basically, i'm reading data from 3 HBase Tables in the mapper, writing them out 
as one huge string for the reducer to do some computation and dump into a HBase 

Table1 ~ 19 million rows.

Table2 ~ 2 million rows.

Table3 ~ 900,000 rows.

The output of the mapper is something like this :

HouseHoldId contentID name duration genre type channelId personId televisionID 

I'm interested in sorting it on the basis of the HouseHoldID value so i'm using 
this technique. I'm not interested in the V part of pair so i'm kind of 
ignoring it. My mapper class is defined as follows:

public static class AnalyzeMapper extends TableMapper<Text, IntWritable> { }

For my MR job to be completed, it takes 22 hours to complete which is not 
desirable at all. I'm supposed to optimize this somehow to run a lot faster 



TableMapReduceUtil.initTableMapperJob (

                                       Table1,           // input HBase table 


                                       AnalyzeMapper.class,    // mapper

                                       Text.class,             // mapper output 

                                       IntWritable.class,      // mapper output 



                                        OutputTable,                // output 

                                        AnalyzeReducerTable.class,  // reducer 



My HBase Table1 has 21 regions so 21 mappers are spawned. We are running a 8 
node cloudera cluster.

Should i use a custom SortComparator or a Group Comparator?






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