I've used Splunk in the past for log aggregation. It's commercial/proprietary, 
but I think there's a free version.

From: Raymond Tay [mailto:raymondtay1...@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2013 1:39 AM
To: user@hadoop.apache.org
Subject: Re: State of Art in Hadoop Log aggregation

You can try Chukwa which is part of the incubating projects under Apache. Tried 
it before and liked it for aggregating logs.

On 11 Oct, 2013, at 1:36 PM, Sagar Mehta 
<sagarme...@gmail.com<mailto:sagarme...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi Guys,

We have fairly decent sized Hadoop cluster of about 200 nodes and was wondering 
what is the state of art if I want to aggregate and visualize Hadoop ecosystem 
logs, particularly

  1.  Tasktracker logs
  2.  Datanode logs
  3.  Hbase RegionServer logs
One way is to use something like a Flume on each node to aggregate the logs and 
then use something like Kibana - http://www.elasticsearch.org/overview/kibana/ 
to visualize the logs and make them searchable.

However I don't want to write another ETL for the hadoop/hbase logs  
themselves. We currently log in to each machine individually to 'tail -F logs' 
when there is an hadoop problem on a particular node.

We want a better way to look at the hadoop logs themselves in a centralized way 
when there is an issue without having to login to 100 different machines and 
was wondering what is the state of are in this regard.

Suggestions/Pointers are very welcome!!


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