1. File and Ganglia are the only bundled sinks, though there are
socket/json (for chukwa) and graphite sinks patches in the works.
2. Hadoop metrics (and metrics2) is mostly designed for system/process
metrics, which means you'll need to attach jconsole to your map/reduce task
processes to see your task metrics instrumented via metrics. What you
actually want is probably custom job counters.
3. You don't need any configuration to use JMX to access metrics2, as JMX
is currently on by default. The configuration in hadoop-metrics2.properties
is mostly for optional sink configuration and metrics filtering.


On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 4:21 PM, Benyi Wang <bewang.t...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 1. Does hadoop metrics2 only support File and Ganglia sink?
> 2. Can I expose metrics as JMX, especially for customized metrics? I
> created some  metrics in my mapreduce job and could successfully output
> them using a FileSink. But if I use jconsole to access YARN nodemanager, I
> can only see hadoop metrics e.g Hadoop/NodeManager/NodeManagerMetrices
> etc.,  not mine with prefix maptask. How to setup to see maptask/reducetask
> prefix metrics?
> 3. Is there an example using jmx? I could not find
> The configuration syntax is:
>   [prefix].[source|sink|jmx|].[instance].[option]
> http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/current/api/org/apache/hadoop/metrics2/package-summary.html

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