It seems like you may want to look into Amazon's EMR (elastic mapreduce),
which does much of what you are trying to do.  It's worth taking a look at
since you're already storing your data in S3 and using EC2 for your

On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 5:07 PM, Nan Zhu <> wrote:

> Good explanation,
> Thank you, Ravi
> Best,
> On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 4:51 PM, Ravi Prakash <> wrote:
>> Hi Nan!
>> If the task trackers stop heartbeating back to the JobTracker, the
>> JobTracker will mark them as dead and reschedule the tasks which were
>> running on that TaskTracker. Admittedly there is some delay between when
>> the TaskTrackers stop heartbeating back and when the JobTracker marks them
>> dead. This is controlled by the mapred.tasktracker.expiry.intervalparameter 
>> (I'm assuming you are using Hadoop 1.x)
>> HTH
>> Ravi
>>   On Thursday, October 24, 2013 1:21 PM, Nan Zhu <>
>> wrote:
>>  Hi, Ravi,
>> Thank you for the reply
>> Actually I'm not running HDFS on EC2, instead I use S3 to store data
>> I'm curious about that, if some nodes are decommissioned, the JobTracker
>> will deal those tasks which originally ran on them as "too slow" (since no
>> progress for a long time) so to run speculative execution OR it directly
>> treats them as "belonging to a running Job and ran on a dead TaskTracker"?
>> Best,
>> Nan
>> On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 2:04 PM, Ravi Prakash <> wrote:
>> Hi Nan!
>> Usually nodes are decommissioned slowly over some period of time so as
>> not to disrupt the running jobs. When a node is decommissioned, the
>> NameNode must re-replicate all under-replicated blocks. Rather than
>> suddenly remove half the nodes, you might want to take a few nodes offline
>> at a time. Hadoop should be able to handle rescheduling tasks on nodes no
>> longer available (even without speculative execution. Speculative execution
>> is for something else).
>> HTH
>> Ravi
>>   On Wednesday, October 23, 2013 10:26 PM, Nan Zhu <>
>> wrote:
>>   Hi, all
>> I’m running a Hadoop cluster on AWS EC2,
>> I would like to dynamically resizing the cluster so as to reduce the
>> cost, is there any solution to achieve this?
>> E.g. I would like to cut the cluster size with a half, is it safe to just
>> shutdown the instances (if some tasks are just running on them, can I rely
>> on the speculative execution to re-run them on the other nodes?)
>> I cannot use EMR, since I’m running a customized version of Hadoop
>> Best,
>> --
>> Nan Zhu
>> School of Computer Science,
>> McGill University
>> --
>> Nan Zhu
>> School of Computer Science,
>> McGill University
>> E-Mail: <>
> --
> Nan Zhu
> School of Computer Science,
> McGill University
> E-Mail: <>

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