Im configuring Hadoop 2.2.0 stable release with HA namenode but i dont know how to configure remote access to the cluster.

I have HA namenode configured with manual failover and i defined|dfs.nameservices|and i can access hdfs with nameservice from all the nodes included in the cluster, but not from outside.

I can perform operations on hdfs by contact directly the active namenode, but i dont want that, i want to contact the cluster and then be redirected to the active namenode. I think this is the normal configuration for a HA cluster.

Does anyone now how to do that?

(thanks in advance...)

Bruno Andrade <>
Programador (I&D)
Eurotux Informática, S.A. |
(t) +351 253 680 300 (m) +351 936 293 858

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