Hi Flocks,

Since, last two days I am about to configure Capacity Scheduler. Here, how
I have struggling L….

I am using Hadoop 2.0.0 and YARN 2.0.0(CDH4). Initially I have created 4
Queue’s as per the Capacity Scheduler Documentation and those queues shown
in RM UI.

After configuration I tried to run Jobs, Cap Scheduler not identified that
queue’s. where I have check queues list with “mapred queue –list”, which
showing all configured Q’s.

I wrote a mail’s to groups for solution, Mr.Olivier has been given some
idea about that, based on his views I dig more.

After I went to all the RM log, Cap Scheduler initiating only default
“default”, I have tested with *default queue* it works for me. And I have
created one more queue called “dev”, in this Queue User unable to run the
jobs and its unable to identifying users Queue.

I have attached Cap Scheduler configuration file for your information. Some
O/P for ur information.

*[user@host ~]$ mapred queue -list*

*13/11/27 09:26:38 INFO service.AbstractService:
Service:org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.YarnClientImpl is inited.*

*13/11/27 09:26:38 INFO service.AbstractService:
Service:org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.YarnClientImpl is started.*


*Queue Name : dev*

*Queue State : running*

*Scheduling Info : Capacity: 30.000002, MaximumCapacity: 0.5,
CurrentCapacity: 0.0*


*Queue Name : default*

*Queue State : running*

*Scheduling Info : Capacity: 70.0, MaximumCapacity: 1.0, CurrentCapacity:

*RM log Scheduler loading info:*

2013-11-27 08:54:58,521 INFO
root, capacity=1.0, asboluteCapacity=1.0, maxCapacity=1.0,
asboluteMaxCapacity=1.0, state=RUNNING, acls=SUBMIT_APPLICATIONS:

2013-11-27 08:54:58,521 INFO
Initialized parent-queue root name=root, fullname=root

2013-11-27 08:54:58,534 INFO

capacity = 0.7 [= (float) configuredCapacity / 100 ]

asboluteCapacity = 0.7 [= parentAbsoluteCapacity * capacity ]

maxCapacity = 1.0 [= configuredMaxCapacity ]

absoluteMaxCapacity = 1.0 [= 1.0 maximumCapacity undefined,
(parentAbsoluteMaxCapacity * maximumCapacity) / 100 otherwise ]

userLimit = 100 [= configuredUserLimit ]

userLimitFactor = 1.0 [= configuredUserLimitFactor ]

maxApplications = 7000 [= configuredMaximumSystemApplicationsPerQueue or
(int)(configuredMaximumSystemApplications * absoluteCapacity)]

maxApplicationsPerUser = 7000 [= (int)(maxApplications * (userLimit /
100.0f) * userLimitFactor) ]

maxActiveApplications = 1 [= max((int)ceil((clusterResourceMemory /
minimumAllocation) * maxAMResourcePerQueuePercent * absoluteMaxCapacity),1)

maxActiveAppsUsingAbsCap = 1 [= max((int)ceil((clusterResourceMemory /
minimumAllocation) *maxAMResourcePercent * absoluteCapacity),1) ]

maxActiveApplicationsPerUser = 1 [= max((int)(maxActiveApplications *
(userLimit / 100.0f) * userLimitFactor),1) ]

usedCapacity = 0.0 [= usedResourcesMemory / (clusterResourceMemory *

absoluteUsedCapacity = 0.0 [= usedResourcesMemory / clusterResourceMemory]

maxAMResourcePerQueuePercent = 0.1 [= configuredMaximumAMResourcePercent ]

minimumAllocationFactor = 0.875 [= (float)(maximumAllocationMemory -
minimumAllocationMemory) / maximumAllocationMemory ]

maxAMResourcePerQueuePercent = 0.1 [= configuredMaximumAMResourcePercent ]

minimumAllocationFactor = 0.875 [= (float)(maximumAllocationMemory -
minimumAllocationMemory) / maximumAllocationMemory ]

numContainers = 0 [= currentNumContainers ]

state = RUNNING [= configuredState ]

acls = SUBMIT_APPLICATIONS:mapred,yarn ADMINISTER_QUEUE:  [= configuredAcls

2013-11-27 08:54:58,534 INFO
Initialized queue: default: capacity=0.7, absoluteCapacity=0.7,
usedResources=<memory:0, vCores:0>usedCapacity=0.0,
absoluteUsedCapacity=0.0, numApps=0, numContainers=0

2013-11-27 08:54:58,543 INFO

capacity = 0.3 [= (float) configuredCapacity / 100 ]

asboluteCapacity = 0.3 [= parentAbsoluteCapacity * capacity ]

maxCapacity = 0.5 [= configuredMaxCapacity ]

absoluteMaxCapacity = 0.5 [= 1.0 maximumCapacity undefined,
(parentAbsoluteMaxCapacity * maximumCapacity) / 100 otherwise ]

userLimit = 100 [= configuredUserLimit ]

userLimitFactor = 1.0 [= configuredUserLimitFactor ]

maxApplications = 3000 [= configuredMaximumSystemApplicationsPerQueue or
(int)(configuredMaximumSystemApplications * absoluteCapacity)]

maxApplicationsPerUser = 3000 [= (int)(maxApplications * (userLimit /
100.0f) * userLimitFactor) ]

maxActiveApplications = 1 [= max((int)ceil((clusterResourceMemory /
minimumAllocation) * maxAMResourcePerQueuePercent * absoluteMaxCapacity),1)

maxActiveAppsUsingAbsCap = 1 [= max((int)ceil((clusterResourceMemory /
minimumAllocation) *maxAMResourcePercent * absoluteCapacity),1) ]

maxActiveApplicationsPerUser = 1 [= max((int)(maxActiveApplications *
(userLimit / 100.0f) * userLimitFactor),1) ]

usedCapacity = 0.0 [= usedResourcesMemory / (clusterResourceMemory *

absoluteUsedCapacity = 0.0 [= usedResourcesMemory / clusterResourceMemory]

maxAMResourcePerQueuePercent = 0.1 [= configuredMaximumAMResourcePercent ]

minimumAllocationFactor = 0.875 [= (float)(maximumAllocationMemory -
minimumAllocationMemory) / maximumAllocationMemory ]

numContainers = 0 [= currentNumContainers ]

state = RUNNING [= configuredState ]

acls = SUBMIT_APPLICATIONS:user,test ADMINISTER_QUEUE:  [= configuredAcls ]

Can you guys please confirm, did I miss anything on configurations part or
is there any bug persist on 2.0.0?



      Maximum number of applications that can be pending and running.

      Maximum percent of resources in the cluster which can be used to run
      application masters i.e. controls number of concurrent running

      The ResourceCalculator implementation to be used to compare
      Resources in the scheduler.
      The default i.e. DefaultResourceCalculator only uses Memory while
      DominantResourceCalculator uses dominant-resource to compare
      multi-dimensional resources such as Memory, CPU etc.


      Default queue user limit a percentage from 0.0 to 1.0.

      Default queue user limit a percentage from 0.0 to 1.0.

      The maximum capacity of the default queue. 

      The maximum capacity of the default queue. 
      The state of the default queue. State can be one of RUNNING or STOPPED.
      The state of the default queue. State can be one of RUNNING or STOPPED.



      Number of missed scheduling opportunities after which the CapacityScheduler 
      attempts to schedule rack-local containers. 
      Typically this should be set to number of racks in the cluster, this 
      feature is disabled by default, set to -1.

      <value> </value>

      <value> </value>


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