thanks for reply, what i do not know is how can i locate the block which
has the corrupt replica,(so i can observe how long the corrupt replica will
be removed and a new health replica replace it,because i get nagios alert
for three days,i do not sure if it is the same corrupt replica cause the
alert ,and i do not know the interval of hdfs check corrupt replica and
clean it)

On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 6:20 PM, Vinayakumar B <>wrote:

>  Hi ch huang,
> It may seem strange, but the fact is,
> *CorruptBlocks* through JMX means *“Number of blocks with corrupt
> replicas”. May not be all replicas are corrupt.  *This you can check
> though jconsole for description.
> Where as *Corrupt blocks* through fsck means, *blocks with all replicas
> corrupt(non-recoverable)/ missing.*
> In your case, may be one of the replica is corrupt, not all replicas of
> same block. This corrupt replica will be deleted automatically if one more
> datanode available in your cluster and block replicated to that.
> Related to replication 10, As Peter Marron said, *some of the important
> files of the mapreduce job will set the replication of 10, to make it
> accessible faster and launch map tasks faster. *
> Anyway, if the job is success these files will be deleted auomatically. I
> think only in some cases if the jobs are killed in between these files will
> remain in hdfs showing underreplicated blocks.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Vinayakumar B
> *From:* Peter Marron []
> *Sent:* 10 December 2013 14:19
> *To:*
> *Subject:* RE: how to handle the corrupt block in HDFS?
> Hi,
> I am sure that there are others who will answer this better, but anyway.
> The default replication level for files in HDFS is 3 and so most files
> that you
> see will have a replication level of 3. However when you run a Map/Reduce
> job the system knows in advance that every node will need a copy of
> certain files. Specifically the job.xml and the various jars containing
> classes that will be needed to run the mappers and reducers. So the
> system arranges that some of these files have a higher replication level.
> This increases
> the chances that a copy will be found locally.
> By default this higher replication level is 10.
> This can seem a little odd on a cluster where you only have, say, 3 nodes.
> Because it means that you will almost always have some blocks that are
> marked
> under-replicated. I think that there was some discussion a while back to
> change
> this to make the replication level something like min(10, #number of nodes)
> However, as I recall, the general consensus was that this was extra
> complexity that wasn’t really worth it. If it ain’t broke…
> Hope that this helps.
> *Peter Marron*
> Senior Developer, Research & Development
> Office: +44 *(0) 118-940-7609*
> Theale Court First Floor, 11-13 High Street, Theale, RG7 5AH, UK
>   <>
>  <>
>  <>
> * <>*
> Be Certain About Your Data. Be Trillium Certain.
> *From:* ch huang [ <>]
> *Sent:* 10 December 2013 01:21
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: how to handle the corrupt block in HDFS?
> more strange , in my HDFS cluster ,every block has three replicas,but i
> find some one has ten replicas ,why?
> # sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -ls
> /data/hisstage/helen/.staging/job_1385542328307_0915
> Found 5 items
> -rw-r--r--   3 helen hadoop          7 2013-11-29 14:01
> /data/hisstage/helen/.staging/job_1385542328307_0915/appTokens
> -rw-r--r--  10 helen hadoop    2977839 2013-11-29 14:01
> /data/hisstage/helen/.staging/job_1385542328307_0915/job.jar
> -rw-r--r--  10 helen hadoop       3696 2013-11-29 14:01
> /data/hisstage/helen/.staging/job_1385542328307_0915/job.split
> On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 9:15 AM, ch huang <> wrote:
> the strange thing is when i use the following command i find 1 corrupt
> block
> #  curl -s http://ch11:50070/jmx |grep orrupt
>     "CorruptBlocks" : 1,
> but when i run hdfs fsck / , i get none ,everything seems fine
> # sudo -u hdfs hdfs fsck /
> ........
> ....................................Status: HEALTHY
>  Total size:    1479728140875 B (Total open files size: 1677721600 B)
>  Total dirs:    21298
>  Total files:   100636 (Files currently being written: 25)
>  Total blocks (validated):      119788 (avg. block size 12352891 B) (Total
> open file blocks (not validated): 37)
>  Minimally replicated blocks:   119788 (100.0 %)
>  Over-replicated blocks:        0 (0.0 %)
>  Under-replicated blocks:       166 (0.13857816 %)
>  Mis-replicated blocks:         0 (0.0 %)
>  Default replication factor:    3
>  Average block replication:     3.0027633
>  Corrupt blocks:                0
>  Missing replicas:              831 (0.23049656 %)
>  Number of data-nodes:          5
>  Number of racks:               1
> FSCK ended at Tue Dec 10 09:14:48 CST 2013 in 3276 milliseconds
> The filesystem under path '/' is HEALTHY
> On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 8:32 AM, ch huang <> wrote:
> hi,maillist:
>             my nagios alert me that there is a corrupt block in HDFS all
> day,but i do not know how to remove it,and if the HDFS will handle this
> automaticlly? and if remove the corrupt block will cause any data
> lost?thanks





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