hadoop 2.2.0, I want to view Tracking UI,so I visit,
then I click History of Completed Job,such as follows:

MapReduce Job job_1392601388579_0001
Attempt Number  Start Time                     Node        Logs
1               Sun Feb 16 17:44:57 PST 2014  master:8042  logs

Then I click logs,but it failed.
Aggregation is not enabled. Try the nodemanager at master:8994

I guess it must a service don't start, which command I need to execute under 
home/software/hadoop-2.2.0/sbin ?  Thanks.
[hadoop@node1 sbin]$ ls
distribute-exclude.sh    start-all.cmd        stop-all.sh
hadoop-daemon.sh         start-all.sh         stop-balancer.sh
hadoop-daemons.sh        start-balancer.sh    stop-dfs.cmd
hdfs-config.cmd          start-dfs.cmd        stop-dfs.sh
hdfs-config.sh           start-dfs.sh         stop-secure-dns.sh
httpfs.sh                start-secure-dns.sh  stop-yarn.cmd
mr-jobhistory-daemon.sh  start-yarn.cmd       stop-yarn.sh
refresh-namenodes.sh     start-yarn.sh        yarn-daemon.sh
slaves.sh                stop-all.cmd         yarn-daemons.sh

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