thanks, Jay, it really helps.

2014-02-28 10:32 GMT+08:00 Jay Vyas <>:

> -- method 1 --
> You could, i think, just extend fileinputformat, with isSplittable =
> false.  Then each file wont be brokeen up into separate blocks, and
> processed as a whole per mapper.  This is probably the easiest thing to do
> but if you have huge files, it wont perform very well.
> -- method 2 --
> You can use Harsh's suggestion (thanks for that idea, i didnt know it).
> 1) In the setup method of a mapper, you can get the file path : using
> ((FileSplit) context.getInputSplit()).getPath();
> 2) Then , in the mappers "setup" method, you should be able open a file
> input stream and call "seek(0)" to read the file header, as Harsh sais.
> 3) When you process the header, you can store the results in the Setup
> method as a local variable, and the mapper can read from that variable and
> proceed.
> On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 9:09 PM, Fengyun RAO <> wrote:
>> thanks, Harsh.
>> could you specify more detail, or give some links or an example where I
>> can start?
>> 2014-02-27 22:17 GMT+08:00 Harsh J <>:
>> A mapper's record reader implementation need not be restricted to
>>> strictly only the input split boundary. It is a loose relationship -
>>> you can always seek(0), read the lines you need to prepare, then
>>> seek(offset) and continue reading.
>>> Apache Avro ( has a similar format - header
>>> contains the schema a reader needs to work.
>>> On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 1:59 AM, Fengyun RAO <>
>>> wrote:
>>> > Below is a fake sample of Microsoft IIS log:
>>> > #Software: Microsoft Internet Information Services 7.5
>>> > #Version: 1.0
>>> > #Date: 2013-07-04 20:00:00
>>> > #Fields: date time s-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query s-port
>>> > cs-username c-ip cs(User-Agent) sc-status sc-substatus sc-win32-status
>>> > time-taken
>>> > 2013-07-04 20:00:00 GET /test.gif xxx 80 -
>>> someuserAgent 200
>>> > 0 0 390
>>> > 2013-07-04 20:00:00 GET /test.gif xxx 80 -
>>> someuserAgent 200
>>> > 0 0 390
>>> > 2013-07-04 20:00:00 GET /test.gif xxx 80 -
>>> someuserAgent 200
>>> > 0 0 390
>>> > ...
>>> >
>>> > The first four lines describe the file format, which is a must to
>>> parse each
>>> > log line. It means log file could NOT be simply splitted, otherwise the
>>> > second split would lost the "file format" information.
>>> >
>>> > How could each mapper get the first few lines in the file?
>>> --
>>> Harsh J
> --
> Jay Vyas

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