Thanks, I'll look forward to your push.

Something I've noticed, is the hadoop client has any number dependencies
that are already osgi-ified.  Some of these would be useful to have
deployed apart from hadoop so they can be used by other bundles.  It seems
a shame to have them deployed twice.  e.g. the jersey.* bundles, the
common.* bundles, the jackson.*, etc.  I haven't tried but will things work
if some dependencies are osgi and other are not?  It seems it should.  I'm
leery of having the hadoop.* wrapped as a bundle and the dependencies not.


On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 10:38 AM, <j...@nanthrax.net> wrote:

> Hi Geoffry,
> FYI, I just released a ServiceMix Bundles for hadoop-client 2.3.0 (I
> closed the SMX bundles release vote this morning, the artifact will be on
> Central today).
> On the other hand, I have a branch for Hadoop 2.3.0 (it's fork on my
> machine, I will push on my github later today).
> Some months ago, I sent some e-mail to propose Hadoop in OSGi, submitting
> some e-mails. I also created Jira with patches attached, but I didn't get a
> lot of feedback. That's why I forked local branches.
> If you want, I can push my 2.3.0 branch on github and give you permissions
> on it.
> We can prepare a patch that we can attach to existing Jira.
> Regards
> JB
> On 2014-03-10 14:37, Geoffry Roberts wrote:
>> All,
>> I would like to gauge the what the level of interest might be in
>> having a version of the Hadoop client running as an OSGi bundle.  I
>> for one would like to use such a thing.  There have been inquiries as
>> to putting the whole Hadoop shooting match in OSGi.  I'm talking here
>> about just the client.
>> Some one has done what I'm talking about. You can check
>> out Jean-Baptiste Onofre Blog [1]. But said effort was done for
>> Hadoop 3.0 and I need something for 2.3.0,  Nevertheless, I was able
>> to draw inspiration from JB's good effort.  My need is sufficiently
>> great that I could be persuaded to take the task on.
>> What is the level of interest?  Does anyone else share my need?
>> --
>> There are ways and there are ways,
>> Geoffry Roberts
>> Links:
>> ------
>> [1]
>> http://blog.nanthrax.net/2013/07/apache-hadoop-and-karaf-
>> article-1-karaf-as-hdfs-client/

There are ways and there are ways,

Geoffry Roberts

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