I would suggest that given the level of details that you are looking for
and fundamental nature of your questions, you should get hold of books or
online documentation. Basically some reading/research.

Latest edition of
http://www.amazon.com/Hadoop-Definitive-Guide-Tom-White/dp/1449311520 is
highly recommended to begin with.


On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 3:07 PM, ados1...@gmail.com <ados1...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello Team,
> I am starting off on Hadoop eco-system and wanted to learn first based on
> my use case if Hadoop is right tool for me.
> I have only structured data and my goal is to safe this data into Hadoop
> and take benefit of replication factor. I am using Microsoft tools for
> doing analysis and it provides me with good drag and drop functionality for
> creating different kind of anaylsis and also it has hadoop drivers so it
> can have hadoop as data source for doing analysis.
> My question here is how benefits YARN architecture give me in tems of
> analysis that my Microsoft, Netezza of Tableau products are not giving me.
> I am just trying to understand value of introducing Hadoop in my
> Architecture in terms of Analysis apart from data replication. Any insights
> would be very helpful.
> Also, my goal for POC is related to efficient data storage/retrieval and
> so
>    1. how does data retrieval work in hadoop?
>    2. do i always need to have any kind of data source on top of hdfs
>    like hbase/cassandra/mongo or there is not need for one and i can have all
>    my data stored in hdfs directly and can retrieve them when i need by using
>    different analytic tools that have hdfs as data source?
>    3. say if i have 3 node cluster, one master and 2 slaves and if am
>    trying to insert data into hadoop then what is the cycle that framework
>    performs to install my data into hdfs - does my process reads all meta data
>    information from master node about where is my slaves nodes and what kind
>    of data should go on which slave node or all data is send to master node
>    and from there depending upon meta data information it reads and decides
>    that what portion of data should be going to which node?
>    4. Also if i have 3 node cluster with 1 master and 2 slaves and if my
>    data is equally distributed in two nodes and if i have replication set to 2
>    then where and how will replication take place as i do not have any node
>    vacant for doing replication?
>    5. Also, for POC, does it make sense to go with Cloudera 3 node free
>    cluster or Hortonworks 3 node free cluster or it makes sense to go with
>    opensource hadoop version and if we go with open source hadoop version then
>    where can we define that which is master node and which is slave node and
>    also can we have all 3 nodes on same machine or we need to have all 3 nodes
>    on different machines?
>    6. Also, what are the pros and cons with going through
>    Hortonworks/Cloudera as opposed to Apache Hadoop from initial POC point of
>    view?
>    7. Also, if we go with Hortonworks/Cloudera then what all tools are
>    come clubbed together with Hadoop framework and if we go with Apache
>    Hadoop, do we get any tools like Pig, Hive clubbed together or we have to
>    install them separately?
> Since am staring off on Hadoop Journey recently, I would really appreciate
> if community can point me in right direction?
> Regards, Andy.

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