@ados1984, HDFS is a file system and HBase is a data store on top of that.
You cannot create tables (in the conventional meaning of the word table in
database/store) directly on HDFS without HBase.


On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 4:11 PM, Geoffry Roberts <threadedb...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Based on what you have said, it sounds as if you want to append records to
> a file(s) in hdfs.  I was able to do this with WebHDFS and with the hadoop
> client.  But you asked about architecture.  Would a POST to a url satisfy
> you as to architecture?  If so setup WebHDFS as POST to it.
> On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 1:00 PM, ados1...@gmail.com <ados1...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hello Team,
>> I am doing POC in Hadoop and want to understand what is recommended
>> architecture to injest data from different data stream like web log,
>> portal, mobile, pos system into Hadoop system? Also what are the use cases
>> where we need to have hbase on top of HDFS? Can't we only have hdfs and no
>> hbase and if we have only hdfs can we create tables directly on hdfs which
>> impala can query on?
>> Kindly advise !!!
>> Regards, Apurva
> --
> There are ways and there are ways,
> Geoffry Roberts

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