i can see many parameters in Distcp class. in which parameter do we need to
enable regular expressions?

private static final String usage = NAME
      + " [OPTIONS] <srcurl>* <desturl>" +
      "\n\nOPTIONS:" +
      "\n-p[rbugp]              Preserve status" +
      "\n                       r: replication number" +
      "\n                       b: block size" +
      "\n                       u: user" +
      "\n                       g: group" +
      "\n                       p: permission" +
      "\n                       -p alone is equivalent to -prbugp" +
      "\n-i                     Ignore failures" +
      "\n-log <logdir>          Write logs to <logdir>" +
      "\n-m <num_maps>          Maximum number of simultaneous copies" +
      "\n-overwrite             Overwrite destination" +
      "\n-update                Overwrite if src size different from dst
size" +
      "\n-f <urilist_uri>       Use list at <urilist_uri> as src list" +
      "\n-filelimit <n>         Limit the total number of files to be <= n"
      "\n-sizelimit <n>         Limit the total size to be <= n bytes" +
      "\n-delete                Delete the files existing in the dst but
not in src" +
      "\n-mapredSslConf <f>     Filename of SSL configuration for mapper
task" +

      "\n\nNOTE 1: if -overwrite or -update are set, each source URI is " +
      "\n      interpreted as an isomorphic update to an existing
directory." +
      "\nFor example:" +
      "\nhadoop " + NAME + " -p -update \"hdfs://A:8020/user/foo/bar\" " +
      "\"hdfs://B:8020/user/foo/baz\"\n" +
      "\n     would update all descendants of 'baz' also in 'bar'; it would
" +
      "\n     *not* update /user/foo/baz/bar" +

      "\n\nNOTE 2: The parameter <n> in -filelimit and -sizelimit can be " +
      "\n     specified with symbolic representation.  For examples," +
      "\n       1230k = 1230 * 1024 = 1259520" +
      "\n       891g = 891 * 1024^3 = 956703965184" +


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