Is your data already compressed? If it's not you can safely assume a
compression ratio of 5.

On 9 Jul 2014 17:10, "Mirko Kämpf" <> wrote:

> Hello,
> if I follow your numbers I see one missing fact: *What is the number of
> HDDs per DataNode*?
> Let's assume you use machines with 6 x 3TB HDDs per box, you would need
> about 60 DataNodes
> per year (0.75 TB per day x 3 for replication x 1.3 for overhead / ( nr of
> HDDs per node x capacity per HDD )).
> With 12 HDD you would only need 30 servers per year.
> How did you calculate the number of 367 datanodes?
> Cheers,
> Mirko
> 2014-07-09 17:59 GMT+02:00 YIMEN YIMGA Gael <>:
>> Hello Dear,
>> I made an estimation of a number of nodes of a cluster that can be
>> supplied by 720GB of data/day.
>> My estimation gave me *367 datanodes* in a year. I’m a bit afraid by
>> that amount of datanodes.
>> The assumptions, I used are the followings :
>> -          Daily supply (feed) : 720GB
>> -          HDFS replication factor: 3
>> -          Booked space for each disk outside HDFS: 30%
>> -          Size of a disk: 3TB.
>> I have two questions.
>> First, I would like to know if my assumptions are well taken?
>> Secondly, could someone help me to evaluate that cluster, to let me be
>> sure that my results are not to excessive, please ?
>> Standing by for your feedback
>> Warm regard
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