Your write will not succeed. You will get an exception like "xxxx could
only be replicated to 0 nodes, instead of 1"

More details here:


On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 8:16 AM, Raghavendra Chandra <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have one very basic query regarding the replication factor in HDFS.
> Scenario:
> I have 4 node cluster : 3 data nodes and 1 master node.
> The replication factor is 3. So ideally each data node would  get one
> replica .
> Assume that meanwhile one of the data node went down.
> so ideally we will be having 2 data nodes.
> Queries:
> 1. How hadoop will take care of balancing of replicas as the required
> replicas are 3 , but we have only 2 data nodes up and running.
> 2. What happens when we try to write new  data into hdfs at this point of
> time ? whether the write would be successful with only 2 data nodes and
> replication factor 3 or it returns any error message?
> These queries might be simple, but it would be really helpful if some one
> can answer.
> Thanks and regards,
> Raghav Chandra

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