Hello everyone,

I've just installed Hadoop 2.5.1 from source code, and I have problems
changing the default block size. My hdfs-site.xml file I've set the property


to have blocks of 64 MB, but it seems that the system ignore this
setting. When I copy a new file, it uses a block size of 128M. Only if I
specify the block size when the file is created (ie hdfs dfs
-Ddfs.blocksize=$((64*1024*1024)) -put file .) it uses a block size of
64 MB.

Any idea?

Best regards

Tomás Fernández Pena
Centro de Investigacións en Tecnoloxías da Información, CITIUS. Univ.
Santiago de Compostela
Tel: +34 881816439, Fax: +34 881814112,
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