Resources can mean memory-only (by default) or memory + CPU etc across the 
_entire_ cluster.

So 70% of cluster resources for a queue means that 70% of the total memory set 
for Hadoop in the cluster are available for all applications in that queue.

Heap sizes are part of the memory requirements for each container.


On Dec 5, 2014, at 5:41 AM, Chris Mawata <> wrote:

> Hi all,
>      when you divide up resources e.g. on CapacityScheduler or FairScheduler 
> etc., what does x% or resources mean? So, for example, a guranteed 70% meant 
> to indicate you can have up to
> 70% of the containers clusterwide irrespective of size of container 
> 70% of the containers  on each node 
> or should it not be number of containers but sum of heap sizes?
> Cheers
> Chris Mawata

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