The location for lib jars may change across releases.
e.g. in HDP 2.2, /usr/lib/hadoop-mapred doesn't exist.


On Wed, Dec 31, 2014 at 12:53 AM, Alexander Pivovarov <>

> I found that the easiest way is to put udf  jar to /usr/lib/hadoop-mapred
> on all computers in the cluster. Hive cli, hiveserver2, oozie launcher,
> oozie hive action, mr will see the jar then. I'm using hdp-2.1.5
> On Dec 30, 2014 10:58 PM, "reena upadhyay" <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am using hadoop 2.4.0 version. I have created custom udf jar. I am
>> trying to execute a simple select udf query using java hive jdbc client
>> program. When hive execute the query using map reduce job, then the query
>> execution get fails because the mapper is not able to locate the udf class.
>> So I wanted to add the udf jar in hadoop environment permanently. Please
>> suggest me a way to add this external jar for single node and multi node
>> hadoop cluster.
>> PS: I am using hive 0.13.1 version and I already have this custom udf jar
>> added in HIVE_HOME/lib directory.
>> Thanks

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