Hello Chandrashekhar,

Active namenode will write to require shared storage and will not write to 
HDFS.. Please check following docs for reference

When Sharedstorage is Journalnode:



When Sharedstorage is NFS:



Thanks & Regards

 Brahma Reddy Battula

From: Chandrashekhar Kotekar [shekhar.kote...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2015 5:01 PM
To: user@hadoop.apache.org
Subject: journal node shared edits directory should be present on HDFS or NAS 
or anything else?


I am  trying to configure name node HA and I want to further configure 
automatic fail over. I am confused about 'dfs.namenode.shared.edits.dir' 

Documentation says that "active namde node writes to shared storage." I would 
like to know if this means that name nodes write it on HDFS or do they require 
shared storage like NAS or SAN or something else.

Chandrash3khar Kotekar
Mobile - +91 8600011455

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