I am rather new to hadoop, but wouldnt the difference be potentially in
how the files are split in terms of size? 

Jonathan Aquilina
Founder Eagle Eye T

On 2015-02-21 21:54, Fang Zhou wrote: 

> Hi All,
> I want to test the memory usage on Namenode and Datanode.
> I try to use jmap, jstat, proc/pid/stat, top, ps aux, and Hadoop website 
> interface to check the memory.
> The values I get from them are different. I also found that the memory always 
> changes periodically.
> This is the first thing confused me.
> I thought the more files stored in Namenode, the more memory usage in 
> Namenode and Datanode.
> I also thought the memory used in Namenode should be larger than the memory 
> used in each Datanode.
> However, some results show my ideas are wrong.
> For example, I test the memory usage of Namenode with 6000 and 1000 files.
> The "6000" memory is less than "1000" memory from jmap's results. 
> I also found that the memory usage in Datanode is larger than the memory used 
> in Namenode.
> I really don't know how to get the memory usage in Namenode and Datanode.
> Can anyone give me some advices?
> Thanks,
> Tim

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