Hi Kevin,

Could check the below configuration for the job history server
mapreduce.jobhistory.max-age-ms 604800000       Job history files older than 
this many milliseconds will be deleted when the history cleaner runs. Defaults 
to 604800000 (1 week).

you could refer other job history configs in 


From: Kevin [kevin.macksa...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 01:11
To: user@hadoop.apache.org
Subject: Lifetime of jhist files


I am running CDH5.1.3 with YARN. The one issue I am having is that the jhist 
files are being deleted too quickly. I set 
yarn.nodemanager.delete.debug-delay-sec to seven days (in seconds, of course), 
but I am noticing that the job historyserver is expiring any jhist file that is 
seven days old. I thought yarn.nodemanager.delete.debug-delay-sec was just to 
clean up local logs on the NodeManager; I didn't think it also affected the job 
history files too.

Am I right in my assumptions? Is there anyway to extend the lifetime of the job 
history files?

BTW, my history files are stored in /user/history/done/<year>/<month>/<day>

Any feedback would be great.


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