Hi everyone,

I was wondering if any of you know any openings looking to hire a big data
dev in the Palo Alto area.

Main thing I am looking for is to be on a team that will embrace having a
Jr to Mid level big data developer, where I can grow my skill set and

My skills are:

3 years Java
1.5 years Hadoop
1.5 years Hbase
1 year map reduce
1 year Apache Storm
<1 year Apache Spark (did a Spark Streaming project in Scala)

5 years PHP
3 years iOS development
4 years Amazon ec2 experience

Currently I am working in San Francisco as a big data developer, but the
team I'm on is content leaving me work that I already knew how to do when I
came to the team (web services) and I want to work with big data
technologies at least 70% of the time.

I am not a senior big data dev, but I am motivated to be and am just
looking for an opportunity where I can work all day or most of the day with
big data technologies, and contribute and learn from the project at hand.

Thanks if anyone can share any information,


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