
Are you looking for the working directory used by HDFS to resolve relative
paths used in commands like "hdfs dfs -ls myRelativePath"?  If so, then
the working directory is the current user's home directory.  HDFS defines
the home directory as a common prefix followed by the username.  The
prefix is controlled by configuration property dfs.user.home.dir.prefix,
and the default is /user.

  <description>The directory to prepend to user name to get the user's
  home direcotry.

You mentioned wanting to access this in bash.  I think you can combine
"hdfs getconf" with the current user to get it.  For example:

> echo "$(hdfs getconf -confKey dfs.user.home.dir.prefix)/$USER"

If you're running a secured cluster with complex auth-to-local name
conversion rules, then simply using $USER might not be sufficient.  If you
find that's the case, then look at using the "hadoop kerbname <your
Kerberos principal>" command.  The "hadoop kerbname" command alias only
exists in trunk right now.  For 2.x builds, you can still get the same
effect by running the underlying class directly: "hadoop
org.apache.hadoop.security.HadoopKerberosName <your Kerberos principal>".

I hope this helps.

--Chris Nauroth

On 7/7/15, 2:33 AM, "xeonmailinglist" <xeonmailingl...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Is it possible to get the hadoop working dir using the bash commands?

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