Hi Praveen and Salil,

If the data is being written from one of the cluster nodes then preference 
would be given for local node irrespective of the Rack being configured.
If its written remotely(not from one of cluster nodes) then there is 
possibility of blocks getting distributed.
Further you can think of having some custom BlockPlacementPolicy by extending 
BlockPlacementPolicydefault and configuring "dfs.block.replicator.classname" if 

+ Naga

From: praveen S [mylogi...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 17:44
To: user@hadoop.apache.org
Subject: Re: How do I customize data placement on DataNodes (DN) of Hadoop 

May be Using rack concept might work

On 27 Oct 2015 17:32, "Norah Jones" 
<nh.jone...@gmail.com<mailto:nh.jone...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Let we change the default block size to 32 MB and replication factor to 1. Let 
Hadoop cluster consists of 4 DNs. Let input data size is 192 MB. Now I want to 
place data on DNs as following. DN1 and DN2 contain 2 blocks (32+32 = 64 MB) 
each and DN3 and DN4 contain 1 block (32 MB) each.

Can it be possible? How to accomplish it?


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