Make sure you call job.setJarByClass with right parameters.

Other than that, try to do 2 and 3 together just to test it out. There is no 
reason it doesn’t work.

From: Todd []
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 12:01 AM
Subject: [Classpath Issue]NoClassFoundException occurs when depending on the 
3rd jar

I have two jars, A and B. A contains the class that has the main method, B 
contains the mapper and reducer. A will collect B's mapper and reducer through 
I am using the following commands to submit the job,but B's mapper class not 
found exception is thrown.
$HADOOP_CLASSPATH=B.jar:other jars
hadoop jar A.jar

2. HADOOP_CLASSPATH=B.jar:other jars;hadoop jar A.jar
3. hadoop jar A.jar -libjars B.jar

All the above three ways don't work. Can someone help me on this? Thanks!!

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