DistCp is capable of running large copies like this in distributed fashion, 
implemented as a MapReduce job.


A lot of the literature on DistCp talks about use cases for copying across 
different clusters, but it's also completely legitimate to run DistCp within 
the same cluster.

--Chris Nauroth

From: Gavin Yue <yue.yuany...@gmail.com<mailto:yue.yuany...@gmail.com>>
Date: Friday, January 8, 2016 at 4:45 PM
To: "user@hadoop.apache.org<mailto:user@hadoop.apache.org>" 
Subject: how to quickly fs -cp dir with thousand files?

I want to cp a dir with over 8000 files to another dir in the same hdfs.  but 
the copy process is really slow since it is copying one by one.
Is there a fast way to copy this using Java FileSystem or FileUtil api?


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