Thanks a lot.

I will explore more related to these.

On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 2:37 PM, Vinayakumar B <>

> Usually namenode console logs will be in .out file.
> -vinay
> On Apr 20, 2016 12:03 AM, "Kun Ren" <> wrote:
>> Hi Vinay,
>> Thanks a lot for your quick reply.
>> My current configuration is: I run the pseudo-distributed mode in my one
>> Linux machine.
>> Yes, I changed the code in eclipse first, and then re-compiled the code,
>> and then restart HDFS using the new binary, and re-debug,  but still can
>> not see any output?  When you said "the console of remote process", do you
>> mean the console of the terminal that I run the command?
>> If I want to change some code, Could you please explain a little more
>> about how to debug/run my new modified code? Thanks so much.
>> On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 2:17 PM, Vinayakumar B <>
>> wrote:
>>> -Vinay
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Vinayakumar B <>
>>> Date: Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 11:47 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Eclipse debug HDFS server side code
>>> To: Kun Ren <>
>>> 1. Since you are debugging remote code, you can't change the code
>>> dynamically during debugging. If you want to change, put the compiled code
>>> in remote process, and restart, reconnect and debug again.
>>> 2. All the console messages will be printed on the console of remote
>>> process, not in eclipse.
>>> 3. Though you cannot change the code, but you can change/inspect the
>>> value of value of an variable in 'display' window.
>>> You can explore more related to these.
>>> -Vinay
>>> On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 11:42 PM, Kun Ren <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Vinay,
>>>> Thanks a lot, it works:)
>>>> I have another question:
>>>> 1. When I add the following lines into the public boolean mkdirs(String
>>>> src, FsPermission masked, boolean createParent)  in the
>>>>       LOG.warn(", log level=warn");
>>>>       System.out.println("In, before do
>>>> actual work");
>>>> But I can not see any output either from my terminal or Eclipse console
>>>> when I step-by-step debug this function, do you know why?
>>>> 2.  When I debug the client side code, for example FsShell, the default
>>>> log level is INFO, I changed the level to DEBUG using the
>>>> http://localhost:50070/logLevel, however, it still can not print out
>>>> LOG.debug(), but I can see,  I don't know why it can not print
>>>> out debug information even I set the log level to DEBUG.
>>>> Thanks a lot for your help,
>>>> On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 12:21 PM, Vinayakumar B <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Kun Ren,
>>>>> You can follow the below steps.
>>>>> 1. configure HADOOP_NAMENODE_OPTS="-Xdebug
>>>>> -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=3988" in
>>>>> 2. Start Namenode
>>>>> 3. Now Namenode will start debug port in 3988.
>>>>> 4. Configure Remote debug application to connect to
>>>>> <namenode_host>:3988 in eclipse
>>>>> 5. Now add a breakpoint in's any method you
>>>>> want to debug. is the gateway between NameNode and
>>>>> IPC Server Layer.
>>>>> 6. Now you can do step-by-step execution to observe the detailed
>>>>> executions.
>>>>> Happy Debugging ;)
>>>>> -Vinay
>>>>> On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 8:46 PM, Kun Ren <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>> Currently I used eclipse to compile/debug the source code, and I
>>>>>> configured the "remote Java application" to debug the source code in
>>>>>> eclipse, for example, I can debug the  client side code when I run the
>>>>>> command "./bin/hdfs dfs -mkdir test", it goes through "FsShell--->
>>>>>> DistributedFileSystem---->DFSClient ....->send request to the server 
>>>>>> side.
>>>>>> Then it finish debugging, but I can not see how the server side handle 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> request.
>>>>>> However, I want to debug and see how the server side(HDFS) handle the
>>>>>> request? Do you know how I can do this?  Thanks so much. Also when I try 
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> add some debug information(such as print out something), but I can not 
>>>>>> see
>>>>>> anything printed out in eclipse, I don't know why. Thanks again.
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Kun

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