Hi, all.

Just wanted to provide an update, which is that I’m finally getting good YARN 
cluster utilization (consistently within the 90-100% range!).  I believe the 
biggest change was to increase the min split size.  Since our input is all in 
S3 and data locality is not really an issue, I bumped it up to 2G to minimize 
the impact of allocation/deallocation of container resources, since each 
container will be up working for longer, so that now occurs less frequently.

 2G --></property>

Not sure how much impact the following changes had, since they were made at the 
same time.  Everything’s humming along now though, so I’m going to leave them.

I also reduced the node heartbeat interval from 1000ms down to 500ms 
("yarn.resourcemanager.nodemanagers.heartbeat-interval-ms": "500" in cluster 
configuration JSON), since I’m told that NodeManager will only allocate 1 
container per node per heartbeat when dealing with non-localized data, like we 
are since it’s in S3.  I also doubled the memory given to the YARN Resource 
Manager from the default for the m3.xlarge node type I’m using 
("YARN_RESOURCEMANAGER_HEAPSIZE": "5120" in cluster configuration JSON).

Thanks again to Sunil and Shubh (and my colleague, York) for the helpful 

Take care,


From: Shubh hadoopExp [mailto:shubhhadoop...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 11:08 PM
To: Guttadauro, Jeff <jeff.guttada...@here.com>
Cc: Sunil Govind <sunil.gov...@gmail.com>; user@hadoop.apache.org
Subject: Re: YARN cluster underutilization


OFFSWITCH allocation means if the data locality is maintained or not. It has no 
relation with heartbeat! Heartbeat is just used to clear the pipelining of 
Container request.


On May 25, 2016, at 3:30 PM, Guttadauro, Jeff 
<jeff.guttada...@here.com<mailto:jeff.guttada...@here.com>> wrote:

Interesting stuff!  I did not know about this handling of OFFSWITCH requests.

To get around this, would you recommend reducing the heartbeat interval, 
perhaps to 250ms to get a 4x improvement in container allocation rate (or is it 
not quite as simple as that)?  Maybe doing this in combination with using a 
greater number of smaller nodes would help?  Would overloading the 
ResourceManager be a concern if doing that?  Should I bump up the 
“YARN_RESOURCEMANAGER_HEAPSIZE” configuration property (current default for 
m3.xlarge is 2396M), or would you suggest any other knobs to turn to help RM 
handle it?

Thanks again for all your help, Sunil!

From: Sunil Govind [mailto:sunil.gov...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 1:07 PM
To: Guttadauro, Jeff 
Subject: Re: YARN cluster underutilization

Hi Jeff,

 I do see the yarn.resourcemanager.nodemanagers.heartbeat-interval-ms property 
set to 1000 in the job configuration
>> Ok, This make sense.. node heartbeat seems default.

If there are no locality specified in resource requests (using 
ResourceRequest.ANY) , then YARN will allocate only one container per node 
heartbeat. So your container allocation rate is slower considering 600k 
requests and only 20 nodes. And if more number of containers are also getting 
released fast (I could see that some containers lifetime is 80 to 90 secs), 
then this will become more complex and container allocation rate will be slower.

YARN-4963<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/YARN-4963> is trying to make 
more allocation per heartbeat for NODE_OFFSWITCH (ANY) requests. But its not 
yet available in any release.

I guess you can investigate more in this line to confirm this points.


On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 11:00 PM Guttadauro, Jeff 
<jeff.guttada...@here.com<mailto:jeff.guttada...@here.com>> wrote:
Thanks for digging into the log, Sunil, and making some interesting 

The heartbeat interval hasn’t been changed from its default, and I do see the 
yarn.resourcemanager.nodemanagers.heartbeat-interval-ms property set to 1000 in 
the job configuration.  I was searching in the log for heartbeat interval 
information, but I didn’t find anything.  Where do you look in the log for the 

Also, you are correct about there being no data locality, as all the input data 
is in S3.  The utilization has been fluctuating, but I can’t really see a 
pattern or tell why.  It actually started out pretty low in the 20-30% range 
and then managed to get up into the 50-70% range after a while, but that was 
short-lived, as it went back down into the 20-30% range for quite a while.  
While writing this, I saw it surprisingly hit 80%!!  First time I’ve seen it 
that high in the 20 hours it’s been running…  Although looks like it may be 
headed back down.  I’m perplexed.  Wouldn’t you generally expect fairly stable 
utilization over the course of the job?  (This is the only job running.)


From: Sunil Govind 
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 11:55 AM

To: Guttadauro, Jeff 
Subject: Re: YARN cluster underutilization

Hi Jeff.

Thanks for sharing this information. I have some observations from this logs.

- I think the node heartbeat is around 2/3 seconds here. Is it changed due to 
some other reasons?
- And all mappers Resource Request seems to be asking for type ANY (there is no 
data locality). pls correct me if I am wrong.

If the resource request type is ANY, only one container will be allocated per 
heartbeat for a node. Here node heartbeat delay is also more. And I can see 
that containers are released very fast too. So when u started you application, 
are you seeing more better resource utilization? And once containers started to 
get released/completed, you are seeing under utilization.

Pls look into this line. It may be a reason.


On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 9:59 PM Guttadauro, Jeff 
<jeff.guttada...@here.com<mailto:jeff.guttada...@here.com>> wrote:
Thanks for your thoughts thus far, Sunil.  Most grateful for any additional 
help you or others can offer.  To answer your questions,

1.       This is a custom M/R job, which uses mappers only (no reduce phase) to 
process GPS probe data and filter based on inclusion within a provided polygon. 
 There is actually a lot of upfront work done in the driver to make that task 
as simple as can be (identifies a list of tiles that are completely inside the 
polygon and those that fall across an edge, for which more processing would be 
needed), but the job would still be more compute-intensive than wordcount, for 

2.       I’m running almost 84k mappers for this job.  This is actually down 
from ~600k mappers, since one other thing I’ve done is increased the 
mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.minsize to 536870912 (512M) for the job.  
Data is in S3, so loss of locality isn’t really a concern.

3.       For NodeManager configuration, I’m using EMR’s default configuration 
for the m3.xlarge instance type, which is 
yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb=11520, and 
yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb=11520.  YARN dashboard shows min/max 
allocations of <memory:32, vCores:1>/<memory:11520, vCores:8>.

4.       Capacity Scheduler [MEMORY]

5.       I’ve attached 2500 lines from the RM log.  Happy to grab more, but 
they are pretty big, and I thought that might be sufficient.

Any guidance is much appreciated!

From: Sunil Govind 
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 10:55 AM
To: Guttadauro, Jeff 
Subject: Re: YARN cluster underutilization

Hi Jeff,

It looks like to you are allocating more memory for AM container. Mostly you 
might not need 6Gb (as per the log). Could you please help  to provide some 
more information.

1. What type of mapreduce application (wordcount etc) are you running? Some AMs 
may be CPU intensive and some may not be. So based on the type application, 
memory/cpu can be tuned for better utilization.
2. How many mappers (reducers) are you trying to run here?
3. You have mentioned that each node has 8 cores and 15GB, but how much is 
actually configured for NM?
4. Which scheduler are you using?
5. Its better to attach RM log if possible.


On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 8:58 PM Guttadauro, Jeff 
<jeff.guttada...@here.com<mailto:jeff.guttada...@here.com>> wrote:
Hi, all.

I have an M/R (map-only) job that I’m running on a Hadoop 2.7.1 YARN cluster 
that is being quite underutilized (utilization of around 25-30%).  The EMR 
cluster is 1 master + 20 core m3.xlarge nodes, which have 8 cores each and 15G 
total memory (with 11.25G of that available to YARN).  I’ve configured mapper 
memory with the following properties, which should allow for 8 containers 
running map tasks per node:

<!-- Container size -->
  <!-- JVM arguments for a Map task -->

It was suggested that perhaps my AppMaster was having trouble keeping up with 
creating all the mapper containers and that I bulk up its resource allocation.  
So I did, as shown below, providing it 6G container memory (5G task memory), 3 
cores, and 60 task listener threads.

  <!-- App Master task listener threads -->
  <!-- App Master container vcores -->
  <!-- App Master container size -->
  <!-- JVM arguments for each Application Master -->

Taking a look at the node on which the AppMaster is running, I'm seeing plenty 
of CPU idle time and free memory, yet there are still nodes with no utilization 
(0 running containers).  The log indicates that the AppMaster has way more 
memory (physical/virtual) than it appears to need with repeated log messages 
like this:

2016-05-25 13:59:04,615 INFO 
 (Container Monitor): Memory usage of ProcessTree 11265 for container-id 
container_1464122327865_0002_01_000001: 1.6 GB of 6.3 GB physical memory used; 
6.1 GB of 31.3 GB virtual memory used

Can you please help me figure out where to go from here to troubleshoot, or any 
other things to try?


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