Hello Michael,

Historically, there has never been a firm requirement that clients must call 
FileSystem#close upon finishing usage of an instance.  I think the history here 
is that the close method was not part of the initial API definition, and when 
it was added, there were already a lot of existing applications coded that were 
not calling the close method.  A tactical decision was made not to force all of 
those applications to make code changes, so calling close has been treated as 
optional.  (This all pre-dates my time on the project though, so I might not 
have the story completely right.)

I'd prefer a hard requirement that applications must call close, but this is 
our current situation.  If you see a specific point in the codebase where you'd 
like to propose adding a close call, then I recommend filing an Apache JIRA to 
discuss the proposal.  If you'd like, also consider attaching a patch to the 

--Chris Nauroth

From: M G <mgbuyst...@gmail.com<mailto:mgbuyst...@gmail.com>>
Date: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 at 7:23 AM
To: "user@hadoop.apache.org<mailto:user@hadoop.apache.org>" 
Subject: Fwd: FileSystem object's close method is not called. hadoop 2.7.2

Hi, I have implemented an HC file system by extending the 
org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem class.
Things seem to work fine, except the fact that when I run mapreduce jobs with 
yarn (simple DFSIO tests) I keep noticing that my Filesystem's "close" method 
is not called.
That is, I see in logs that my file system object is instantiated seven times 
during the run of the MRAppMaster process, but the close method was never 
closed for any instantiation.
I know that there is a configuration key fs.automatic.close that is checked on 
MRappMaster.java - and I make sure that this key is true.
I am using hadoop 2.7.2
Other processes that instantiate my FS class (node manager for example) are 
calling the close method, I saw the problem only with MRAppMaster's process.
The DFSIO test succeeds, but this issue can lead to some resources leakage so 
it's important that the close method is called.


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