The RM page will show the combined container memory usage. If you have a significant difference between any or all of

1) actual process memory usage
2) JVM heap size
3) container maximum

then you will have significant memory underutilization.


On 20160813 6:31 AM, Suresh V wrote:

In our cluster when a MR job is running, in the 'Nodes of the cluster' page, it shows the memory used as 84GB out of 87GB allocated to yarn nodemanagers. However when I actually do a top or free command while logged in to the node, it shows as only 23GB used and about 95GB or more free.

I would imagine the memory used displayed in the Yarn web UI should match the memory used shown by top or free command on the node.

Please advise if this is right thinking or am I missing something?

Thank you

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