Hi Ravi,


The two datanodes are on different Machines. At the time when these error were 
generating I can see that DN1 was replicating under-replicating blocks on DN2. 


Can this be related to properties I added for increasing replication rate?



Om Prakash


From: Ravi Prakash [mailto:ravihad...@gmail.com] 
Sent: 27 July 2017 01:26
To: omprakash <ompraka...@cdac.in>
Cc: user <user@hadoop.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Lots of Exception for "cannot assign requested address" in 
datanode logs


Hi Omprakash!

DatanodeRegistration happens when the Datanode first hearbeats to the Namenode. 
In your case, it seems some other application has acquired the port 50010 . You 
can check this with the command "netstat -anp | grep 50010" . Are you trying to 
run 2 datanode processes on the same machine?




On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 5:46 AM, omprakash <ompraka...@cdac.in 
<mailto:ompraka...@cdac.in> > wrote:

Hi all,


I am running a 4 node cluster with 2 Master node( NN1, NN2 with HA using QJM) 
and 2 Slave nodes(DN1, DN2). I am receiving lots of Exceptions in Datanode logs 
as shown below


2017-07-26 17:56:00,703 WARN org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataNode: 
DatanodeRegistration( <> , 
datanodeUuid=5a2e6721-3a9a-43f1-94cc-f58f24b5a15b, infoPort=50075, 
infoSecurePort=0, ipcPort=50020, 
 to transfer BP-1085904515- 
to <>  got

java.net.BindException: Cannot assign requested address

        at sun.nio.ch.Net.connect0(Native Method)

        at sun.nio.ch.Net.connect(Net.java:465)

        at sun.nio.ch.Net.connect(Net.java:457)

        at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.connect(SocketChannelImpl.java:670)

        at org.apache.hadoop.net <http://org.apache.hadoop.net> 

        at org.apache.hadoop.net <http://org.apache.hadoop.net> 

        at org.apache.hadoop.net <http://org.apache.hadoop.net> 


        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)



I have 10 million files in hdfs. All the nodes have same configurations. Above 
Exception started occurring when I changed the below parameters in 
hdfs-site.xml file. I made these changes to increase replication rate for 
under-replicated blocks. 



dfs.namenode.replication.work <http://dfs.namenode.replication.work> 

dfs.namenode.replication.max-streams=2000 --> not documented in hdfs.site.xml

dfs.namenode.replication.max-streams-hard-limit=4000   ---> not documented in 



The rate of replication of blocks increased but suddenly the Exception started 
to appear. 


Can anybody explain this  behavior? 




Omprakash Paliwal


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