What is the ResourceManager JVM’s heap size? What is the value for the 
configuration yarn.resourcemanager.max-completed-applications?


> On Aug 23, 2017, at 9:23 AM, Ravuri, Venkata Puneet <vrav...@ea.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I wanted to know if there is any recommendation for ResourceManager GC 
> settings.
> Full GC (with Parallel GC, 8 threads) is sometimes taking more than 30 sec 
> due to which state store sessions to Zookeeper time out resulting in FATAL 
> errors.
> The YARN cluster is heavily used with 1000’s of applications launched per 
> hour.
> Could you please share any documentation related to best practices for tuning 
> resourcemanager GC?
> Thanks,
> Puneet

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