What version of Hadoop are y'all using? Which parts of Hadoop are you using?

Can you try relying on the hadoop-client stuff from Hadoop 3? it won't
be any better about use of the thread-context classloader
(unfortunately) but it does do a fair job of cutting down on the
number of third party dependencies present out of the box.

On Fri, Feb 1, 2019 at 3:33 PM John Lilley
<john.lil...@redpointglobal.com> wrote:
> I realize this is something of a broad question, but I hope that someone has 
> already had to deal with it and can share some experience.  Our application 
> has multiple classloaders.  This is to avoid dependency conflicts between the 
> various APIs that our software accesses, including but not limited to Hadoop. 
>  Without using a multi-classloader strategy (or Java 9 modules, which we 
> cannot yet support) we encounter a lot of dependency conflicts between the 
> Hadoop jars and everything else. So, suffice it to say that we have an 
> URLClassLoader for all of the Hadoop jars, and other classloaders for other 
> set of libraries.
> The problem is this: The system classloader (the one that the JVM starts 
> with) does not have the Hadoop jars.  This means that the thread-context 
> classloader, which is the system classloader by default, does not have the 
> Hadoop jars.  Unfortunately, Hadoop APIs of all sorts seem to use the 
> thread-context classloader implicitly, which leads to all manner of 
> ClassNotFound errors, ServiceLoaders returning empty lists, factories not 
> finding implementations, etc.  This is driving us slowly mad, because new 
> “not found” issues crop up occasionally in the field as our customers 
> discover new security options and other configuration variants, which leads 
> down code paths that fail to find classes or implementations of interfaces.
> You may suggest the obvious: Always set the thread-context classloader to be 
> the Hadoop classloader.  Unfortunately this doesn’t seem to be a solution.  
> First, threads get spawned which have the default system classloader as the 
> thread-context-classloader, and I don’t have control over all of those 
> threads.  Second, it is error-prone and probably too expensive to save and 
> restore the thread-context classloader at every possible Hadoop entry point.
> The only answer I’ve found is to learn by trial-and-error which classes are 
> loaded by the thread-context classloader (or by ServiceLoader), and force 
> them to pre-load where I’ve set the thread-context classloader.  Is there a 
> better way?  If not, is there a list of such classes?
> Thanks,
> John Lilley


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