I don’t know of any python process in the Hadoop path that gobbles up that much 
Would it be possible that you have some kind of memory (–mx) flags in Namenode 
Options (Probably in HADOOP_OPTS),
such that the min and max is set to the same value, say 32GB – so that namenode 
when it boots up is reserving that much memory?


From: Dmitry Goldenberg <dgoldenb...@hexastax.com>
Date: Tuesday, February 19, 2019 at 11:25 AM
To: "user@hadoop.apache.org" <user@hadoop.apache.org>
Subject: Memory error during hdfs dfs -format


We've got a task in Ansible which returns a MemoryError during HDFS 
installation on a box with 64 GB memory total, 30 GB free at the moment.

It appears that during the execution of the hdfs dfs -format command, a Python 
process is spawned which gobbles up ~32ish GB of memory and then the Ansible 
deploy fails.

Any ideas as to how we could curtail / manage memory consumption better?


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