All right but that means migrate everything to Hbase / Kudu ? That also
kinda means that GDPR is killing HDFS ? That’s what you are suggesting ?

Le lun. 15 avr. 2019 à 22:43, Wei-Chiu Chuang <> a
écrit :

> Wow, Chao, didn't realize you guys are making Hudi into Apache :)
> HDFS is generally not a good fit for this use case. I've seen people using
> Kudu for GDPR compliance.
> On Mon, Apr 15, 2019 at 11:11 AM Chao Sun <> wrote:
>> Checkout Hudi ( which adds
>> upsert functionality on top of columnar data such as Parquet.
>> Chao
>> On Mon, Apr 15, 2019 at 10:49 AM Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli <
>>> wrote:
>>> If one uses HDFS as raw file storage where a single file intermingles
>>> data from all users, it's not easy to achieve what you are trying to do.
>>> Instead, using systems (e.g. HBase, Hive) that support updates and
>>> deletes to individual records is the only way to go.
>>> +Vinod
>>> On Apr 15, 2019, at 1:32 AM, Ivan Panico <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Recent GDPR introduced a new right for people : the right to be
>>> forgotten. This right means that if an organization is asked by a customer
>>> to delete all his data, the organization have to comply most of the time
>>> (there are conditions which can suspend this right but that's besides my
>>> point).
>>> Now HDFS being WORM (Write Once Read Multpliple Times), I guess you see
>>> where I'm going. What would be the best way to implement this line deletion
>>> feature (supposing that when a customer asks for a delete of all his data,
>>> the organization would have to delete some lines in some HDFS files).
>>> Right now I'm going for the following :
>>>    - Create a key-value base (user, [files])
>>>    - On file writing, feed this base with the users and file location
>>>    (by appending or updating a key).
>>>    - When the deletion is requested by the user "john", look in that
>>>    base and rewrite all the files of the "john" key (read the file in 
>>> memmory,
>>>    suppress the lines of "john", rewrite the files)
>>> Would this be the most hadoop way to do that ?
>>> I discarded some cryptoshredding like solution because the HDFS data has
>>> to be readable by some mutliple proprietary softwares and by users at some
>>> point and I'm not sur how to incorporate a decyphering step for all those
>>> uses cases.
>>> Also, I came up with this table solution because a violent grep for some
>>> key on the whole HDFS tree seemed unlikely to scale but maybe I'm mistaken ?
>>> Thanks for your help,
>>> Best regards

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