
As we all known, One Router can forward Rpc to some name services. 
In the scenario with Router high QPS,  if one running NS slow down for some 
reason(like GC, network delays, packet loss etc), 
the slower NS will consume all handlers in Router. And the Router will no 
ability to forward Rpc to other normal NS.

Like this:
 - Router forward Rpcs to NS1 and NS2.
 - At some time,  NS2 occur full GC, and the Rpc from Router to NS2 will be 
blocked in Router.
 - Some other clients ask this Router to forward Rpc to NS2, and they all will 
be blocked in Router.
 - As above all handlers in Router will be blocked to forward Rpc to NS2.
 - Some other clients will failed to ask this Router to forward Rpc to NS1 
because there is no free handler in Router to forward this Rpc.

Someone has some ideas to fix this case?

Thanks for your help,
Best regards

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