I should have included Scala in that language list.

On 11/13/19 10:10 AM, Jeff Hubbs wrote:
I'm assuming you mean "Hadoop ecosystem." :)

Here's what I know. Hadoop is a collection of daemons (a.k.a. "services") that are typically run across multiple machines to form a Hadoop cluster.

Central to the whole idea of Hadoop is the presence of an HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System): a virtualized filesystem that occupies real disk space across multiple machines. The point of Hadoop is to parallelize computing operations such that the computing (which is easy to relocate) tends to take place where the data (which is hard to relocate) is.

The basic form of a Hadoop cluster in the 3.x series is to have one NameNode daemon, one ResourceManager daemon, a JobHistoryServer daemon, a WebAppProxyServer daemon, and both a NodeManager daemon and a DataNode daemon for each machine that participates in HDFS. When I built Hadoop clusters, I placed a copy of the Hadoop distribution on each machine in the cluster and started the daemons on each one according to the cluster role or roles I'd assigned to them. I'm recalling that all nodes need to know, through the Hadoop config files (*-site.xml), which machine is running the NodeName daemon and which one is running the ResourceManager daemon. In general, all nodes need to have forward and reverse name resolution working.

Once you have everything up, my understanding is that code is written for Hadoop clusters in either Java, Python, or Spark.

On 11/13/19 9:04 AM, political science wrote:
I am new to Hadoop echo system.I have been able to build Hadoop from sources
version 3.1.3

I read the instructions in BUILDING.txt file and followed them now
 I get to see a shell like this
I want to know  how to use this.
What command can I use to get back to this thing as I see in screenshot.
How programming is done in this system.
This seems to be some kind of environment of Hadoop but I am new to this so I do not know what to do next? I have to do some assignment questions for programming like I want to learn also Hadoop from the shell I see above what command should I type or how to do programming etc in it.
Thanks & Regards

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