That's because they serves two different purposes. Kerberos is about authentication, it authenticates the users that have access to the services, "encryption in motion" encrypts every communication between clients and servers, but it has nothing to do about authentication.

For example if you configure encryption without kerberos you will have "free" encrypted access, meaning: the communication on the wire will be encrypted, but the users that have services access will be managed at operating system level.


On 08/01/2020 18:42, Bear Giles wrote:
> does that depend on setting up Kerberos

Careful - Kerberos and data-in-motion encryption are orthogonal. If you use kerberos without also setting up TLS then the payload will be in the clear.

(At least that's my understanding of how they work together.)


On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 9:45 PM Hariharan < <>> wrote:

    For 1) you can set up transparent encryption at the root directory
    level for HDFS. However this works at file level and not volume
    level. For volume level encryption you will have to use something
    like LUKS only.

    For 2), in addition to the steps mentioned in "data
    confidentiality", you may also need to set up Encrypted Shuffle
    depending on your use-cases for Hadoop.


    On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 1:16 AM Daniel Howard <
    <>> wrote:
    > Hello,
    > I am working on getting Hadoop running within our organization.
    Our high-level use case is to be able to say we're running with
    end-to-end encryption. It looks like there are two major
    strategies for getting this done in Hadoop:
    > A) HDFS Transparent Encryption:
    > B) Secure Mode:
    > In our case, we are less concerned with Kerberos' user-level
    authentication, but we want node-to-node encryption and
    encryption-at-rest. With cluster applications, I typically achieve
    encryption-at-rest with LUKS and then enable an application's TLS
    settings to achieve encryption-in-motion.
    > What is my best strategy for Hadoop? Here are a couple of questions:
    > 1) The docs say I have to create a new directory, but can I
    configure HDFS Transparent Encryption to operate across an entire
    > 2) If I just need encrypted-in-motion, can I do just the "Data
    confidentiality" part of the Secure Mode doc, or does that depend
    on setting up Kerberos?
    > Thank You!
    > -danny
    > --

    On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 1:16 AM Daniel Howard <
    <>> wrote:


        I am working on getting Hadoop running within our
        organization. Our high-level use case is to be able to say
        we're running with end-to-end encryption. It looks like there
        are two major strategies for getting this done in Hadoop:

        A) HDFS Transparent Encryption:
        B) Secure Mode:

        In our case, we are less concerned with Kerberos' user-level
        authentication, but we want node-to-node encryption and
        encryption-at-rest. With cluster applications, I typically
        achieve encryption-at-rest with LUKS and then enable an
        application's TLS settings to achieve encryption-in-motion.

        What is my best strategy for Hadoop? Here are a couple of

        1) The docs say I have to create a new directory, but can I
        configure HDFS Transparent Encryption to operate across an
        entire volume?
        2) If I just need encrypted-in-motion, can I do just the "Data
        confidentiality" part of the Secure Mode doc, or does that
        depend on setting up Kerberos?

        Thank You!



Bear Giles

Sr. SoftwareEngineer <>
Mobile: 720-749-7876



*SnapLogic Inc | 1825 South Grant Street | San Mateo CA | USA *

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