I am try to run the hadoop container as following

docker run -it --user tester  hadoop-build-1001
docker: Error response from daemon: unable to find user tester: no matching
entries in passwd file.

I had added a user tester on the ubuntu VM where I am doing all this.
my current username debian I had added to hadoop users group
so when I am running the docker image I get

debian@osboxes:~$ docker run -it hadoop-build-1001
 _   _           _                    ______
| | | |         | |                   |  _  \
| |_| | __ _  __| | ___   ___  _ __   | | | |_____   __
|  _  |/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \ / _ \| '_ \  | | | / _ \ \ / /
| | | | (_| | (_| | (_) | (_) | |_) | | |/ /  __/\ V /
\_| |_/\__,_|\__,_|\___/ \___/| .__/  |___/ \___| \_(_)
                              | |
This is the standard Hadoop Developer build environment.
This has all the right tools installed required to build
Hadoop from source.

Apparently you are inside this docker container as the user root.
Putting it simply:
   This should not occur.
Known possible causes of this are:
1) Running this script as the root user ( Just don't )
2) Running an old docker version ( upgrade to 1.4.1 or higher )

  ___  _                _   _
 / _ \| |              | | (_)
/ /_\ \ |__   ___  _ __| |_ _ _ __   __ _
|  _  | '_ \ / _ \| '__| __| | '_ \ / _` |
| | | | |_) | (_) | |  | |_| | | | | (_| |
\_| |_/_.__/ \___/|_|   \__|_|_| |_|\__, |
                                     __/ |
/home/debian/hadoop_env_checks.sh: line 78: logout: not login shell: use

what can I do to run this image as a normal user?

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