Next Munich OpenHUG Meeting

I am pleased to invite you to our next Munich Open Hadoop User Group Meeting!

Like always we are looking forward to see everyone again and are
welcoming new attendees to join our group. We are enthusiast about all
things related to scalable, distributed storage system. We are not
limiting us to a particular system but appreciate anyone who would
like to share about their experiences.

Please note the change in location for this meeting.

When: Thursday November 25th, 2010 at 4:30pm (open end)
Where: SKYTEC AG, Keltenring 11, D-82041 Oberhaching, München (map can
be found here:

Thanks to Paul Rogalinski and Skytec AG ( for
helping organize the event and for providing the infrastructure.

We have quite a few very interesting talks scheduled:

- "Map/Reduce Einführung mit HelloWorld Beispielen in Java und
stdin/out (Shell-Skripte)" by Paul Rogalinski
- "CouchDB und MongoDB - Pitfalls und Gründe für Einsatz im Enterprise
/ J2EE Umfeld" by Marc Weinberger
- "SOLR: Prototypen mit Velocity, dynamischer Index." by Chantal Ackermann
- "Datenmodellierung und Architektur beim Einsatz von
Semantik-Web-Technologien in der Praxis" by Sacha Berger
- "Hadoop and HBase - Ein Überblick" by Lars George

As usual this is followed by an open discussion at a nearby
pub/restaurant so that we can also enjoy some food and beers. We do
have a sponsor for that, thanks to Sistrix (!

Please RSVP here:


Yahoo Upcoming:


Looking forward to seeing you there!

Best regards,

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