On 14/Apr/2011 13:55, Ryan Rawson wrote:
Yes, the row key is stored with every column.
Avoid ridiculously long row keys :-) Use compression.
So how long is "ridiculously long" ? 10 bytes? 100? 1000? 10**N ?
On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 1:54 PM, Yves Langisch<y...@langisch.ch> wrote:
On the opentsdb website [1] you can read the following:
The problem with HBase's implementation is that every single cell also stores
the row key and a bunch of other redundant information. In the example above
with 2 rows and 16 cells, the 13-byte row key is stored 16 times both on disk
and in memory. This leads to several scalability problems, especially due to
memory pressure inside Region Servers and the increased number of objects that
HBase has to handle.
Is that true? Means that long row keys and many columns should be avoided?
[1] http://opentsdb.net/schema.html