Change your key to user_month.

That will put all of the records for a user together so you will only need a
single disk operation to read all of your data.  Also, test the option of
putting multiple months in a single row.

On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 7:59 PM, Weihua JIANG <>wrote:

> Hi all,
> We want to implement a bill query system. We have 20M users, the bill
> for each user per month contains about 10 0.6K-byte records. We want
> to store user bill for 6 months. Of course, user query focused on the
> latest month reports. But, the user to be queried doesn't have hot
> spot.
> We use CDH3U0 with 6 servers (each with 24G mem and 3 1T disk) for
> data node and region server (besides the ZK, namenode and hmaster
> servers). RS heap is 8G and DN is 12G. HFile max size is 1G.  The
> block cache is 0.4.
> The row key is month+user_id. Each record is stored as a cell. So, a
> month report per user is a row in HBase.
> Currently, to store bill records, we can achieve about 30K record/second.
> However, the query performance is quite poor. We can only achieve
> about 600~700 month_report/second. That is, each region server can
> only serve query for about 100 row/second. Block cache hit ratio is
> about 20%.
> Do you have any advice on how to improve the query performance?
> Below is some metrics info reported by region server:
> 2011-04-26T10:56:12 hbase.regionserver:
> RegionServer=regionserver50820, blockCacheCount=40969,
> blockCacheEvictedCount=216359, blockCacheFree=671152504,
> blockCacheHitCachingRatio=20, blockCacheHitCount=67936,
> blockCacheHitRatio=20, blockCacheMissCount=257675,
> blockCacheSize=2743351688, compactionQueueSize=0,
> compactionSize_avg_time=0, compactionSize_num_ops=7,
> compactionTime_avg_time=0, compactionTime_num_ops=7, flushQueueSize=0,
> flushSize_avg_time=0, flushSize_num_ops=0, flushTime_avg_time=0,
> flushTime_num_ops=0, fsReadLatency_avg_time=46,
> fsReadLatency_num_ops=257905, fsSyncLatency_avg_time=0,
> fsSyncLatency_num_ops=1726, fsWriteLatency_avg_time=0,
> fsWriteLatency_num_ops=0, memstoreSizeMB=0, regions=169,
> requests=82.1, storefileIndexSizeMB=188, storefiles=343, stores=169
> 2011-04-26T10:56:22 hbase.regionserver:
> RegionServer=regionserver50820, blockCacheCount=42500,
> blockCacheEvictedCount=216359, blockCacheFree=569659040,
> blockCacheHitCachingRatio=20, blockCacheHitCount=68418,
> blockCacheHitRatio=20, blockCacheMissCount=259206,
> blockCacheSize=2844845152, compactionQueueSize=0,
> compactionSize_avg_time=0, compactionSize_num_ops=7,
> compactionTime_avg_time=0, compactionTime_num_ops=7, flushQueueSize=0,
> flushSize_avg_time=0, flushSize_num_ops=0, flushTime_avg_time=0,
> flushTime_num_ops=0, fsReadLatency_avg_time=44,
> fsReadLatency_num_ops=259547, fsSyncLatency_avg_time=0,
> fsSyncLatency_num_ops=1736, fsWriteLatency_avg_time=0,
> fsWriteLatency_num_ops=0, memstoreSizeMB=0, regions=169,
> requests=92.2, storefileIndexSizeMB=188, storefiles=343, stores=169
> 2011-04-26T10:56:32 hbase.regionserver:
> RegionServer=regionserver50820, blockCacheCount=39238,
> blockCacheEvictedCount=221509, blockCacheFree=785944072,
> blockCacheHitCachingRatio=20, blockCacheHitCount=69043,
> blockCacheHitRatio=20, blockCacheMissCount=261095,
> blockCacheSize=2628560120, compactionQueueSize=0,
> compactionSize_avg_time=0, compactionSize_num_ops=7,
> compactionTime_avg_time=0, compactionTime_num_ops=7, flushQueueSize=0,
> flushSize_avg_time=0, flushSize_num_ops=0, flushTime_avg_time=0,
> flushTime_num_ops=0, fsReadLatency_avg_time=39,
> fsReadLatency_num_ops=261070, fsSyncLatency_avg_time=0,
> fsSyncLatency_num_ops=1746, fsWriteLatency_avg_time=0,
> fsWriteLatency_num_ops=0, memstoreSizeMB=0, regions=169,
> requests=128.77777, storefileIndexSizeMB=188, storefiles=343,
> stores=169
> And we also tried to disable block cache, it seems the performance is
> even a little bit better. And it we use the configuration 6 DN servers
> + 3 RS servers, we can get better throughput at about 1000
> month_report/second.  I am confused. Can any one explain the reason?
> Thanks
> Weihua

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